Saturday, March 31, 2018

Conversion: The Littlest Giant Part 1


I am writing to share with you the story of “The Littlest giant. Are you wondering what this must be?  Well, read on! And if you can find the patience and time to read the whole thing, I think you will not be disappointed.  You will find out this is a true story of how God is lovingly touching and changing people’s lives today, just as he always has, and always will.   

“The Littlest Giant”

“The littlest giant” was born in a country were the religion has been Islam (Muslim) for hundreds of years.  He grew up listening to the call to prayer from the mosques around the city five times a day and hearing about fasting for Ramadan and about the prophet Mohamed. Yes indeed he grew up in a country were Jesus was hardly known, in fact he had never heard of Jesus as a savior. His family and friends were mostly Muslim: his grandmother a devoted Muslim was faithful to prayer five times a day. His mother is a modern and open minded Muslim woman who is not afraid to search for God wherever He may be.   And his father had a new age tendency and did not want to categorize himself into any religion, rather he simply believed in one all powerful God.
“The littlest giant” grew up without knowing Jesus and like his father he did not chose any particular religion – he simply believed in GOD.  He did not know it yet, but Jesus had his name written in the palm of His hand.  Jesus knew him since he was in his mothers womb and he had great plans for him. 

“My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.  I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish.  No one can take them out of my hand.  My father who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one can take them out of the Father’s hand.  The father and I are one.”  Jesus in John 10 (27-30)

“Everything that the father gives me will come to me, and I will not reject anyone who comes to me...”Jesus in John 6 (37)

At the right time Jesus would call “the littlest giant” to follow Him. Like the Bible says: when Jesus, the good shepherd, calls his sheep all His sheep recognize His voice. Each sheep may be called at a different time, but when they hear His voice they recognize their shepherd and happily come to Him. All are called by the gentile voice of Jesus, even those in other herds will come to Him.

“I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me…”Jesus in John 10(14)

“I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold.  These also I must lead, and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd.” John 10(16)

Jesus started calling “the littlest giant” more or less when “the littlest giant” was 21 years old. As “the littlest giant” heard His voice he started drawing close to him Him.  Yes little by little coming closer to Jesus, attracted slowly, like a little bunny to a carrot in someone’s hand - cautious, gently and slowly but without being able to resist.

“And this is the will of the one who sent me that I should not lose anything of what He gave me, but that I should raise it in the last day.  For this is the will of my Father that everyone who sees the son and believes in Him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him on the last day.” Jesus in John (39-40)

 Each time, “the littlest giant” heard Jesus's voice more clearly, calling him louder.  As the years went by “the littlest giant” started to seek Him and know Him better and better.  At first as he drew closer, a thousand questions inundated his mind.  As time went on, he became a bit confused.   But slowly as the years went by, he allowed himself to be taken by the hand and directed by the delicate words of the Lord. Yes he surrendered to the gentle guidance of Jesus. “The littlest giant” now deeply believed in His word, but he was not yet able to call himself a Christian. He was hesitant to categorize himself into a specific religion.  He was afraid of opening up to his family and friends publicly acknowledging that he loved Jesus Christ.  Would they get angry?  Would he lose his friends?  Would he be made fun of?  

         But the voice of Jesus called louder and more intensely,  the “littlest giant” asked Jesus to guide him from within. Yes, instead of trying to find Jesus through his own effort, he decided to invite Jesus to come live in his heart so that Jesus would guide him from the depths of his heart, from the deepest part of his being.  Jesus always comes when we invite Him – always – without exception.  The “littlest giant” could feel His presence now, he felt His peace inside his own heart.  His love surrounded him, he felt a joy that only Jesus can give. 

“Whoever believes in me, as scripture says:
‘Rivers of living water will flow from within him’ Jesus in John 7 (38)

And so his faith began to grow.  Now, all the questions he had, did not need an answer any more.  Some of them were answered by Jesus, others he just set aside.  It was no longer necessary for him to find all the answers.  No because he felt peace, now he could feel His presence, and His presence satisfied the hunger and the thirst he had felt before.  “The littlest giant” could no longer hold back the desire he had to share the gift Jesus is.  To  share the joy He brings into our life when we welcome Him into our heart and get to know Him.

“Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father.  But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly father.” 
Jesus in Matthew 10 (32)

“The littlest Giant” understood that there was no sense in having Jesus in his life if he was not going to share such happiness. Therefore the overpowering desire to share with everyone continued to grow within him, he was simply not able to contain it.  In spite of the fear that he had initially felt about telling his Muslim family and friends, “the littlest giant” shared with everyone that he could the great blessing that that it is to get to know and to get filled with the love of Jesus.  Some people criticized him, others failed to understand him, but he felt from the deepest place in his heart, that he had done what Jesus wanted him to do.  He had recognized and acknowledged his love for Jesus without fearing the consequences.  His love for Jesus had become so big, that it was impossible to contain it,  impossible not to share the good news.

 “For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather 
of power and love and self-control.” Paul in 2 Tim 1 (7)

Stay tuned tomorrow I post "The Littlest Giant"  Part 2