“The littlest giant” realized that all our faith and that all our strength stems from Him who showers us with gifts and blessings, not from our own effort. And so he prayed in the name of Jesus, so that God would give him different graces or gifts. And through the power of the Holy Spirit he received more faith, and he learned how to pray better and more often. He got to know God better, he began to understand His word, he felt His presence. “The littlest giant” learned that Jesus always answers our prayers, but that we do have to do our part. He read, studied His word, and reflected on it. “The littlest giant” realized that he needed to have a, strong and constant, close relationship with Jesus. And this could only be possible through remaining in His word and through prayer.
“If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” John 8(31, 32).
“Heaven and earth will pass away but my words
will not pass away” Mat 24(35)
“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and
it will be done for you” Jn 15(7)
He knew that if he didn’t pray and remain in His word then he would be just an occasional visitor to the Sunday mass and not a faithful friend of Jesus. He did not want Jesus to be only someone he knew about, someone he read about. No! He wanted an intimate friend. Yes, more than anything in this whole world, he wanted to be a good friend to Jesus. A close friend seeks his friend constantly and makes an effort to love his dear friend more and more each day. A close friend seeks his friend constantly and makes an effort to love his dear friend more and more each day. And in essence makes an effort to get to know his friend better. There is never a limit for a true friend.
“You are my friends if you do what I command you” John 15(14)
“Remain in me as I remain in you” John 15(4)
After all Jesus invites us not only to be His friends, but to imitate Him, follow Him, and love Him: he who knows Him loves him and as He says “He who loves me follows my commandments."
“This I command you: love one another.” John 15(17)
“Whoever has my commandments and observes them
is the one who loves me.” John 14 (21)
“The way that we may be sure that we know Him is to keep his commandments”
Whoever says ‘I know Him’ but does not keep His commandments is a liar,
and the truth is not in him. But whoever keeps His word,
the love of God is truly perfected in him….” 1 John2 (3,4,5)
“The littlest giant” was determined to love Jesus more and more, committed to follow Him closer and better. He understood that even though he was far from being perfect, this did not matter to Jesus, Jesus knows us well: our defects, our sins, our fears, our deepest secrets. But regardless of what is in our hearts, He loves us and wants us to be by His side. He loves us and calls each one of us to follow Him. And He always forgives us if we have a: Change of mind …. Change of heart….and Change of actions. Yes, if we repent truly and sincerely from the bottom of our heart.
“Remain in my love. John 15(9)
“The littlest giant” understood that what he needed was to have a great love for Jesus and a fervent and honest desire to improve. Yes, and he needed to follow Him with his maximum effort, following Him the best that he could - according to his capacity. After all we all have different capacities to follow our Lord and different gifts to share with others. Jesus was patient with him, “the littlest giant” learned to patient with himself. Jesus always forgave him; he had to learne to forgive himself, and most important he learned to persevere and never give up. He decided to fix to fix his eyes on Jesus, and let his goal be :
· Getting to know Him better and more, allowing His love to dwell inside him
· Following His commandments out of love and trust, not fear or plain obligation
· Repenting every time that, without being able to avoid it, he was unable to faithfully follow His commandments.
· Remembering always that when he falls down Jesus is there to pick him up.
“If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.”
Mathew 19(17)
“Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and buffeted the house. But it dis not collapse; it had been set solidly on rock.”
“The littlest giant” realized that it is hard to love the way Jesus call us to love, but this is no reason why to stop trying. He decided to try more, try harder, pray more, love more, improve more, and always give more. Give more in order to have more of Jesus in his life. He decided to seek Him with all his heart….all his strength ...loving Him with all his mind all his soul.
“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord’ but not do what I command” Luke 6(46)
“It is not that I have already taken hold of it or have already attained perfect maturity, but I continue my pursuit in hope that I may possess it, since I have indeed been taken possession of by Christ
Jesus…” Paul to Philippians 3 (12)
Well not to wear you out you with the story of “The littlest giant”, I shall come to the end of my story. After 10 years of listening to the soft but constant voice of our Lord Jesus calling him the Lord decided to call even louder, to a bigger commitment. Jesus was inviting him to be baptized by water, to become part of his church, of His community, and to share with others in faith and joy.
“The littlest giant” decided that he wanted to fill up his life with He who had showered him with blessings. He who had rescued him from the darkness into the light, because he was lost but now was found, blind but now could see! He wanted to get baptized into our beloved Catholic Church. Because Jesus calls, Jesus invites, but it is we who decide if we answer His call. We must want to answer “Yes!” when He calls. “The littlest giant” decided to say “Yes ….yes! Jesus ….yes!”
Well by now I imagine many of you have guessed that “The littlest giant” is a giant 2 meter, 200 lb Turkish guy whose name is John. Well, being that this is his appearance to the naked eye. But then when you look with attention and when you get to know him, you realize that he is one of Jesus’ “Little ones”. Yes, he is a man with a sweet smile and eyes like those of a little kid, and soft of heart. Like a child he was able to find his beloved Jesus and like a child he loves him with all his heart. He has put his faith in Him, and will never look back. Like a child he now is feeling safe and has joy and peace, because he knows that he is in the shadow of the almighty and takes refuge under His wings.
“You who dwell in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty,
Say to the Lord, “My refugee and my fortress, my God in whom I trust”
God will rescue you from the fowler’s snare, from the destroying plague,
will shelter you with pinions, spread wings that you may take refuge;
God faithfulness is a protecting shield..” Psalm 91(1-4)
John wanted to get baptized for Christmas 2003, in Ephesus, were Mother Mary is said to have spent most of the last years of her life and where Paul and John lived and preached. That holy place were John prayed many times to our beloved Virgin Mary.
But Jesus had other plans for him and so our long time priest friend, Father Tarcy, encouraged him to get baptized in Vancouver, since it was the eve of our departure from Turkey. The time to move was near and so our priest suggested finding a course in our new city. John was a bit disappointed at first, but just temporarily, because he is convinced that Jesus gently directs his life and that surely He had better plans for him!
“So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away;
behold new things have come.” 2 Cor 5(17)
So well we arrived to Vancouver and John got excited again, after all soon there would be Easter and maybe he would be able to get baptized in this most meaningful and solemn time. We talked first in a church downtown but the priest was not to sure if John would be able to be accepted in any Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) course in time for Easter baptism. After all it was a bit late, and many courses had started much earlier. Thingsdid not look too promising but nothing is impossible with God. He promised that if we prayed with faith, two or more people in His name (Mat 18 verse 19-20), God would grant whatever we asked for.
“Everything is possible to one who has faith.” Mark9(23)
Well so we prayed and then we headed to St. Augustine’s to talk to the person in charge of the RCIA. She said she was not so sure if it would be ok or not, she would have to talk to the Father in charge of the parish, and we had to wait until the next day. We knew that if it was God’s will He would gently speak to their hearts.
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me” John 14(1)
And so we went to see her again on the next day. She said Father had left it up to her and that, well, after talking to us in her office the other day….she had a feeling that John was ok and could join the course! He could take the course with the RCIA group until Easter and then he would get baptized, and get confirmed all in one! We were thrilled, Easter, what a wonderful gift from the Lord.
I am happy to share with all that “the littlest giant” that all of you know as John, got baptized on Easter Vigil Saturday April 10th , 2004! And he never looked back, he has been the most faithful holy Catholic I know ever since.
I give thanks to God for all He has given us, for blessing us and for overflowing our lives with His great love. In blessing and calling John I too was blessed. I too, found Him in a deeper way that I never imagined possible. In a way that I had never experienced before. Today thanks to John’s encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ, I am more in love with Jesus. And I love God in a way like I never knew was possible. In walking the way towards Jesus next to John, I found Jesus all over again. I found Him in a way and with strength I never imagined possible. My heart and my spirit sing with joy and I give thanks God for this most beautiful gift!
“And behold, until the end of age.” Mat.28(20)
Source for Bible verses: The New American Bible (Catholic version)