Can we expect "great" from a small kid? Great character, great behaviour, great love? Should we teach what is right and what is wrong from a young age?
Oh heavens yes!
Do me a favour if you have a small sibling, don't enable them when they act badly. They are capable of understanding, and they are capable of great things. Why would we not help them be great?
Truth be told, I have seen plenty a kid maybe between 4-9 years old that are spoiled rotten by parents that seem to be under the impression, that these children are incapable of being: kind, respectful, loving etc. There parents allow these "little terrors" to rule their house. These "little ones" run around terrorizing older siblings and friends of the family. They are rude, harsh, aggressive and extremely disrespectful and annoying to all who are around them. Do you know someone like this? Maybe even in your own house?
God made us with an incredible capacity to love. Our spirits are made for greatness. When parents and siblings don't correct "the little ones" in a family , they are robbing them from something precious; the ability to truly shine! They are also smashing any opportunity to becoming well adjusted, well functioning humans. What do you think , do you think that it is easier to learn obedience, respect and kindness from the time you are a little baby....or do you think that it will be easier to learn after years of getting away with a reign of terror? Kind and loving do not happen by magic!
Honestly bad habits become part of who we are. If a person acts the same terrible way over a period of time - it will become a bad habit. Act that same terrible way over a prolonged period of time and it will become part of who you are.
So if you have a small sibling at home that is out of control, well first of all pray about it. Then address it with your mom and dad. If all else fails, at least you can try to teach what is good and right to them. Believe me you will be doing a labor of love. True love teaches what is true and right and expects great things from people. We need to love one another. We need to believe that we can be great. We need to teach holiness and hope for holiness, so that holiness can shine in a soul.
If you know a small person who:
- Disrespects those older than them
- Are cruel and unkind with their siblings and piers
- Are harsh and threatening towards people
- Manipulate their parents
- Want to act as if they are way older than they truly are, etc