Showing posts with label hero. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hero. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Green? What is hypocrisy?

I recently watched Michael Moor's "Planet of the Humans", and I was left speechless.  That was "time from my life" that I will never get back.  Well, at least it made me think.  I grabbed a cup of tea and sat next to my window, on the couch.  Getting lost in though I wondered:    

Why are so many people such liars?  

Why do people go around on their high horse, pretty much boasting that they are saving our planet,  while in fact they are accelerating the rate in which our planet is being destroyed?

Huge companies, countless celebrities and politicians are selling lies, while they go around and travel the world non-stop,  often in private jets.  Here are a few other examples:

  • As Justin Worland stated in an article in Time Magazine: "On a per passenger basis, private jets pollute as much as 14 times more than their commercial counterparts, for example, and the Los Angeles community where these celebrities live is currently limiting outdoor watering to once per week. Celebrities, it might follow, are a key villain in the climate challenge."
  • report in the Los Angeles Timesfound that some of the biggest names in Hollywood, including Sylvester Stallone, Dwyane Wade, Kevin Hart, and Kim Kardashian—had flouted drought restrictions at their properties, some exceeding their water allowances by comical proportions. Dwyane Wade’s property, for example, exceeded his allotted water budget by 489,000 gallons in May.

  • As Tom Lyon from shared, "Exxon Mobil has clearly engaged in this doubletalk. The corporation declared in its 2016 Corporate Citizenship Report that “climate change risks warrant action by businesses, governments, and consumers, and we support the Paris Agreement as an effective framework for addressing this global challenge.” Yet the nonprofit group InfluenceMap recently found that Exxon was one of the top three global corporations in lobbying against effective climate policy."
  • In an article in "N Business" writer Bjørn Lomborg shared: "Christian Friis Bach's electric-powered vehicle was incapable of covering the 30km from his house to the palace without running out of power. So he put the electric mini-car inside a horse trailer and dragged it behind his petrol-powered Citroen for three-quarters of the trip, switching back to the mini-car when he neared the television cameras.  The stunt produced more carbon emissions than if he had driven his car the entire distance. Unfortunately, the story is not a one-off."

Many of the people in power pressure us and give us guilt trips, while they themselves continue to ravage the earth we live in.  And for what?  Have you ever asked yourself, for what reason?  With what purpose in mind, is it that these politicians, celebrities and huge Corporations, lie and destroy?  They have families.  Many of these Corporate Wizards have children of their own. Why do they lie, while they destroy our earth?  How can they ruin our planet, their kids's planet, while claiming that they are saving it?  Why is it that they put heavy burdens on the rest of us, while they themselves often don't care?

It is all so evil! So evil, it is overwhelming.

I do not mean for this post to be dark.  No, that is not my purpose.  I just wish people would open their eyes.  We are surrounded by evil.  And if we do not understand we need a saviour, The One and only Saviour, then we are in fact doomed.

Only God can help us be better, be honest, and take care of His beautiful creation.  Only Jesus Christ His only Son can offer: an explanation, a hope, and a future.  We need to take the message of the gospel seriously.  Today we need to change.  Today we need to trust.  Today is the day we need to give ourselves, heart and soul, to Jesus Christ.  All you need to do is say:

 Lord Help me!

Lord change my life!

Lord Jesus I believe help my unbelief.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Wars and Rumors !

We can't gaslight Jesus.  Right now there are wars, rumours of wars and weird viruses, We have unidentified flying objects appearing, governments that have betrayed us and in general an atmosphere of fear and hopelessness.  

It is exactly at this time, more than ever, that we hold on to what we know to be true.

Hold on to your faith, hold on to Holy Scripture, hold on to Jesus Christ.  He warned us that these things were coming, now is the time to truly TRUST:  His plan, His love, His protection, His word.  

Do not despair, do not give up.  Remember that governments can lie, corporations can lie and steal, schools can manipulate and betray families and students, but through it all - Jesus Christ has already conquered death and sin. 

He has the victory!  He alone has the power, and He has got you!  Place yourself in His care, pray, trust and shine His light as best as you can.

Politicians and sometimes even some church leaders can try to gaslight us - but they will be exposed.  Justice is mine says the Lord!  As long as we can keep hatred away from our hearts, and as long as we can continue to do everything no matter how small, for the glory of God... everything will be ok.

Hold on to the truth as you know it.  Hold on to  Holy Scriptures.  The Holy Word of God is spirit and life, it cuts through the darkness like a two edged sword.  You have been called by name.  You belong to Him who won over all evil.  

Do not let them steal your joy, your faith, your hope.  Press on, pray and trust.  

Jesus is King!