Showing posts with label Miserable. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miserable. Show all posts

Monday, April 21, 2014

Happiness is at hand !

I am convinced that half of our problems would go away if only we were able to surrender to the beauty of being alive and being loved by God. Yes, let’s pause for breath and think about all the reasons why we can be happy, instead of all the reasons why we think we are unhappy.  If we just took the time to smile and delight in a simple moment of joy, then we would be able to see that it is in the little things that happiness is hiding. It is in the ability to appreciate the everyday things that we start feeling tranquility and joy. 

  • Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we, could find happiness in the simple, sweet moments of our lives? 

  • Wouldn’t it be great if, like “little ones,” we were able to seek the sweet juice of life without allowing trivial things to get in the way?

  • Wouldn’t it be just perfect if we could stop and make an effort, even if for a minute, to detach ourselves from problems and from the monotony of the everyday and aim for the extraordinary? 

Some of us are just never satisfied, always desiring what we do not have, and this is truly sad. If we only could find happiness in the small things that make our lives unique, then happiness would be in our hearts most of the time. We must stop ourselves if we find ourselves complaining about our circumstances. We must try to wake up asking ourselves:

  •            Why is it that we are never satisfied with our situation?

  • Why is it that once we achieve one of our goals, we immediately ignore what has been achieved and set our eyes on the next thing? 

  • What am I grateful for?  

If we are willing to be like “little ones,” then, like them, we will find a million reasons to be happy and a million things worth enjoying. Big moments in our lives fly by, leaving us only memories. But simple, small reasons to be happy are waiting for us every day! If we can learn to find joy in these little things, and use our memories to boost our morale when we need it, to bring a smile to our lips when we feel we just can’t go on, then it will be possible to find ourselves happy most of the time. And isn’t that what everybody wants?

 To be happy is a choice. It is our choice. Nobody can make us happy but ourselves. Nobody can come and inject happiness into us. Happiness is found inside ourselves. It doesn’t matter where you are the type of house you own, the country you live in, the vehicle you drive, the job you have. It doesn’t matter what you have lots of jewelry, a good-looking spouse, great clothes, a pet or any other thing. You will always find yourself with you guessed it yourself![2] What does this mean? It means that unless you learn to find happiness inside yourself, happiness will always be a myth, a desire, but not your reality.

Wisdom to contemplate:

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice!”
(Philippians 4:4)

“Happy the people so blessed; happy the people whose God is the LORD.” (Psalm 144:15)

[1] For this thought, I am indebted to Anthony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992).
[2] Anthony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

If you need an inspiring companion to encourage you along the way...this blog is the place for you

Have you been frustrated and ready to give up?  Do you feel lonely, hopeless and tired?  Read on, you need this!  In this blog you will find the encouragement you have been looking for.  How?  Well by following this blog you will get free summaries from the book  "Princess in Overalls".  This is a Christian inspirational book on littleness, miracles and the power of prayer. It is the story of a little girl called Ellie from her childhood to her adulthood. Warm and refreshing, this book will feel like you are holding Ellie's hand as she journeys through life.   An uplifting and inspiring companion to encourage you along your journey of life, especially in those moments you need it the most.